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Venusaur learns solarbeam at level 53

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Q: When does Venusaur get solar beam?
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When will Venusaur learn solar beam on its own?

Level 53.

Level does venusaur learn solarbeam?

Venusaur learns solar beam at level 65 in Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, LeafGreen, and Emerald. But Venusaur learns solar beam at level 53 in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum.

What level does tropius learn solar beam?

no it can not learn it but you can get ice beam as a TM is number 13

What moves does Venusaur learn in Pokemon Yellow?

Venusaur Learns:- Growth Lv.43 Sleep Powder Lv.55 Solar Beam Lv.65

What are the best move sets for the fire red LeafGreen starters?

Venusaur: Sunny day, Solar beam, Synthesis, Sludge bomb Charizard: Fly, Flamethrower, Sunny day, Solar beam Blastoise: Earthquake, Surf, Skull bash, Dig

Who would win torterra or venusaur?

(it is tough to say but a torterra with earthquake would win but if it doesnt know it venasaur would win do to resistances) what the no way thisis what will happenn torterra will use solar beam venusaur will do the same torterras one is stronger torterra uses harden venusaur uses takkle there both defeted

What level does vinasaur learns solar beam?

Venusaur learns Solarbeam at level 65 in the three first Generations, but learns it at level 53 in Gen 4 and 5.

How much damage does solar beam inflict?

Solar Beam does 120 damage and has 100 accuracy

In Pokemon Sapphire which is better Solar-Beam or Hyper-Beam?

Hyper Beam.

What is Sol Blaze's special move?

Simi Toxic Solar Strike , Solar beam

What level does Groudon have to be to learn solar beam?

Groudon can learn Solar Beam at level 50.

Will anyone trade me for one of the Jhoto league starters in Pokemon platinum?

I will give you a lvl 90 blastoise moves hydro pump, surf, ice beam, blizzard or a venusaur lvl 88 moves frenzy plant, razor leaf, solar beam, earthquake... i prefer a legendary but an eeveelution of any sort would also work.