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They were called gastroliths.

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Dinosaurs gulped stones to aid with digestion. The stones helped to grind up the food that they ate. Some dinosaurs did not chew their food, they simply swallowed it.

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Q: What were the rocks that dinosaurs had in their stomachs to help them digest?
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What were the rocks called that dinosaurs used to help digest their food?

They are called gastroliths.

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I think it's to help digest their food(like the dinosaurs)

What were the smooth rounded rocks that helped dinosaurs digest and grind their food?

Gastroliths were the smooth, rounded rocks that dinosaurs ingested to help them digest and grind their food. These rocks were swallowed and moved around in the stomach to break down tough plant material.

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AnswerYes, they are. They have protozoa in their stomachs do help digest the wood.

How do dinosaurs eat their food?

Dinosaurs eat their food by preparing their stomachs with stones to help the digestion of plants. etc

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we have toxic acid in our stomachs to help digest our food and to make into particles for fuel.

What is stones in a stomach used to help grind food?

"Stones in the stomach" when they say this! .birds .deer, plant eaters are also included because they only have one stomach and it help crush their food. But this does not included cows they have two stomachs and they do not eat rocks but re chew they food it called chewing cud.

How does a chicken digest food?

It eats rocks too help it

Do cows eat rocks to help with digestion?

No. Cows are not birds, they are mammals, they do not have a gizzard to store rocks in to help digest their food.

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dodo birds ate rocks because they ate a fruit that was hard to digest when they swallowed the rocks the rocks somehow rubbed together in its stomach and then crushed the fruit, so it could digest it.

How does protozoans enter into the gut of the termite?

Termites have adapted their stomachs so that they can extract cellulose from the soil humus.Mostly there is a symbiotic protozoa (metamonads) and other microbes in the termites stomachs that help them digest the cellulose.

What are some ways bacteria make life easier?

Pro-biotic bacteria reside within our stomachs and colons and help us to better digest food.