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It was herbivorous

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Q: What were some of the unusual features of the ichthyosaurs and the plesiosaurs?
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Ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs are what?

They are both varieties of aquatic reptile predators that went extinct long ago.

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Is there such thing as a lizard that lives in the water?

Yes, crocodiles, caimans, alligators, gavials, saltwater crocodiles, sea turtles, terapins, hellbenders, and marine iguanas, are some that live today. During the mesozoic era, many reptiles lived in the water, like plesiosaurs, placodonts, mosasaurs, sea turtles, nothosaurs, thalattosuchians ichthyosaurs, and more.

What was a prehistoric marine reptile's habitat?

Prehistoric marine reptiles lived in various habitats, such as oceans, seas, and estuaries. They were adapted to life in marine environments and often inhabited coastal areas where they could find food and shelter. Some species, like ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs, were well-suited for deep-sea exploration, while others, like mosasaurs, thrived in shallower waters.

What unusual animals can be seen in the Jerusalem zoo?

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What are some examples of fish that have single fins?

Some examples of fish that have single fins are: Orca, White shark, Indo-pacific sailfish, common dragonet, whales, porposies, cetacenas, ichthyosaurs.

What is the name of an underwater dinosaur?

There are no names of underwater dinosaurs because there were no underwater dinosaurs. Sea reptiles that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs were around. Names of these sea-living reptiles include: Liopleurodon, Opthalmosaurus and Tylosaurus.