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Paleontologists study the long-gone species of the animal or plant kingdoms, paleobiologists studying the long-gone species of the animal kingdom, while paleobotanists study the long-gone species of plants. Their job is to find evidence of these creatures ever existing, and also to find out how the lived, what they ate, how they might have looked like, etc. Some paleontologists do dig up bones of not just dinosaurs, but all kinds of animals. Others do other stuff.

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14y ago
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13y ago

Paleontologists are interested in how dinosaurs live for two reasons. First it says something about how the earth has changed and what that change means to life, and secondly it helps in the understanding of evolution.

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13y ago

The word you're looking for is a PALIENTOLOGIST. these scientists dig up, dust, and possibly bring to museums dinosaur bones from any of the three time periods of dinosaurs (triassic, jurassic, and crutaceous).

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15y ago

Scientists who study dinosaur bones are know as paleontologists. They also study other extinct animals such as shellfish,Bacteria,Amphibians,other Reptiles,birds,and Mammals.

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15y ago

1.They were warm blooded unlike most reptiles 2.Their tails didn't drag behind them 3. They're related to birds 4.The smallest dino is less than 2 ft long

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Q: What type of scientist digs for dinosaur bones?
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Can you get money for dinosaur bones?

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What can scientist inferred by looking at fossil footprints?

what type of dinosaur it is and its weight

What type of fossils are dinosaur bones?

Coral, limestone, coal

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dinosaurs and ice age animals were around the first animals around so to see there bones go on google images and type in dinosaur bones or ice age bones :)

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Because ingenious rock is a type of rock, sedimentary hardens over time with the sediment(gravel, rocks, dirt) inside it. So in this case the fossils or dinosaur bones harden over time into the sediment and form into the rock.

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What type of scientist would dig up dinosaur bones or fossils to study them and learn more about he prehistoric time period?

A paleontologist specializes in the study of ancient life forms, including dinosaurs, by excavating and analyzing fossils. They aim to understand the history of life on Earth and provide insights into prehistoric times.

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Who is stronger elephant or dinosaur?

it depends on the type of dinosaur.