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Climate change: everything the dinosaurs was gone and "the only thing that will take out the humane race ub 12/21/12?

God only knows!!

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Q: What took out the Dinosaurs and will that come back to take the Human race out in 12 21 12?
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Are dinosaurs recent or ancient history?

Dinosaurs are considered prehistorical. Recent and ancient history usually refers to the existence of the human race.

Did humans cause the extinction of dinosaurs?

No. Humans and dinosaurs never met. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The human race is about 200,000 years old.

What if extict species were brought back?

It depends on what extinct species you want to come back. If dinosaurs were brought back to life, the food pyramid would change dramatically. Large, carnivorous dinosaurs would see the world's current predators (tigers, lions, whales etc.) as their prey. But there are smaller extinct species that wouldn't jeopardize the human race; saber tooth tigers and wooly mammoths are legit examples.

Are humans responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs?

No. Humans and dinosaurs never met. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The human race is only around 200,000 years old.

What planet did the human race come from?

To the best of scientific knowledge, the human race originated right here on planet Earth.

How many cavemen did a dinosaur eat per week?

AnswerZero, because cavemen weren't around when dinosaurs were.AnswerHumans and dinosaurs never met.The dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago.The human race is only around 40,000 years old.

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Turks are human and are part of the human race. They are a diverse ethnic group with origins in Turkey and neighboring regions. It is important to respect all individuals and groups as part of the broader human race.

What will completely wipe out the human race and how would you escape it?

Dinoaurs, obviously, will come back from bein extinct and kill everyone. Well, that's my theory anyway...

Why did dinosaurs die but not other creatures?

Because humans and dinosaurs never met. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. The human race is only 200,000 years old.

How do you come first in a race?

Cross the finish line first. Pretty much like a human foot race.

How do you come first in a horse race?

Cross the finish line first. Pretty much like a human foot race.

Will dinosaurs become unextinced when the human race is wiped out?

No one is sure maybe Aliens will be responsible if you see a cat ask it has nine lives it proably saw the end.(humourous answer)<----- <-------- (SERIOUS ANSWER)----------> We do not know what will happen at the end until it happens maybe dinosuars will come back but I highly dought it animals don't apper out of thin air. Maybe they did but that stands with what your religion's believes.