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That depends on the stage of growth.

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Q: What size was a brachiosaurus?
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The size footprint of the brachiosaurus?

The brachiosaurus was estimated to be around 85 feet in length and about 40-50 feet tall at the top of its head. Its overall size footprint would have been quite large due to its massive size and long neck and tail.

How do brachiosaurus hunt?

Brachiosaurus was a herbivore.

Size of a dinosaur?

Dinosaurs ranged in a variety of sizes from the small Compsognathus at around the size of a chicken to the giant Brachiosaurus around the size of a three storey building.

Where do brachiosaurus's live?

Brachiosaurus have homes in Africa, and Europe

Was the brachiosaurus fast?

Say the truth I think brachiosaurus is not fast.

How did Brachiosaurus move?

A brachiosaurus moved its legs 1 by 1

When did brachiosaurus lived?

brachiosaurus lived during the late Jurassic

What period did the brachiosaurus live in?

the brachiosaurus lived in the Jurassic period

What is the common name for brachiosaurus?

The Brachiosaurus Altithorax refers to a group of dinosaurs that lived in the Jurassic period. They are more commonly referred to as a brachiosaurus.

How tall in meters was the Brachiosaurus?

Brachiosaurus was up to 82 feet long and 52 feet tall! Brachiosaurus weighed up to 75 tons!

Was brachiosaurus warm blooded?

In early research show that sauropods suggest brachiosaurus are gigantothermic in recent research shows that sauropods like brachiosaurus are warm blooded

Could a brachiosaurus chase its prey?

Brachiosaurus did not have prey. It was an herbivore, meaning it only ate plants.