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Q: What is the purple triceratops code on Free Realms?
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How do you get a dog on Free Realms?

Sorry but that isn't possible. Maybe one day...? Station cash is the only way, but you can get a free purple triceratops. You have to create a account to on the site below, then it should give you the directions. From Free Realms

Where can you get a Free realms purple triceratops?

the code for the purple trycaratops is FRM9-DG2H-MNZ2-N466-RBGN. THIS IS NOT A JOKE! NOOOOOO JOKE. im serious, even try it!!! hope you like it :) my NAME ON FREE RELAMS is Sammy titantune. im usually in server 1or2 bye:D (just copy and paste the code) i copy and past it and it did not work and if you now how to get the purple frog mask can you pls tell me how email me if you now at

What is the iggy code for Free Realms?

The code for the purple Iggy is randomized, and unique. no two codes are alike which makes them impossible for dual-use. Sorry!

Is there a redemm code for a free pet on Free Realms?

The only time a code for a free realms pet comes out is if it is a sponsored item.

What is the game code to get a free dragon on Free Realms?

there is no code for that

What are cheat codes for free realms?

is there a cheat code on free realms io get money

What is the cheat code for a free triceratops?


What is the code for free sc Free Realms?

the code for free realms is 5678 980 RT7A. this only works once so good luck!

What is the code to turn into a cow in Free Realms?

There is no such code.

Is there a code for a free dog on Free Realms?

I wish , But no.

What are the Free Realms codes for pets?

(There isn't any) <- Last answerer You know, there is one pet that you can get, but it wont help you with the pet trainer job. It is a small purple triceratops. You can get it by registering to the Beckett Massive Online Gamer Magazine's website. When registered, go to Game codes and scroll down. There click the ''Generate code'' and enter the code on the FR site. BAM! There's your new FREE pet!

Can you get a free pet dragon in Free Realms with a cheat code?

you get a game code for it