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The sheer bulk of Barosaurus kept it safe from predators, so a full grown adult would be fine. Young, old, sick, and weak would probably be hunted by Allosaurus, though.

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Q: What is the predator of a Barosaurus?
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Related questions

What is the genus and species of a barosaurous?

Barosaurus is actually the genus, while lentus is the species. So, the full scientific name is: Barosaurus lentus

Where does the barosaurus live?

i think they live in the gongle

How big is a Barosaurus tooth in length?

10 inches

How long ago did the barosaurus live?

Barosaurus were a type of sauropod that lived in the Jurassic period. Their fossils are between 155 and 148 million years old. That means that Barosaurus existed beginning in the Kimmeridgian and into the Tithonian stages of the Jurassic.

Is a brontosaurus a meat or plant eater?

Barosaurus was an 86 foot long, long necked, herbivorous (plant eating) dinosaur.

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What did a barosaurus eat?

It could but only Dinosaurs like routops and oranasaurus

What dinosaur used its tail to fight?

diplodocus used it's tail to fight away giant carnivores such as T-rex. Barosaurus and apatosaurus also use their tail to protect themselves. Ankylosaurus uses it's tail to fight with predators. Barosaurus is very much similar to diplodocus itself , but with slight difference: much longer backbones(vertebrae),a shorter tail,& much longer neck.

Is a predator always a predator?

a predator can always Be a pray no matter what

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It was a predator i checked it actually was a predator