black sack
dark park
A shadowy gap.
Yes, a hink pink for "dark crevice" could be "gloomy groove." Both phrases feature a dark or shadowy description followed by a similar sounding word with a different meaning.
tan man, Dark Mark
night sight
gray day, bleak weekgray day, bleak week
Hink-Pink is a game in which player guess a pair of rhythmic words. e.g Ocean-Lotion, Funny-Money
Oh, dude, a Hink Pink for a holiday donkey would be like... "festive burro." It's like when you combine holiday vibes with a donkey, you get a festive burro. So yeah, that's the technically correct but totally chill answer for ya.
Thin inn is the hink pink for skinny hotel.
The hink pink for "boy's test" is "lad's quiz."
A crevice is smaller than a cave. I would go with "black crack."