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I believe you are referring to the huge, long necked, four legged, plant eating dinosaurs called sauropods. Other long necked dinosaurs include Troodon, Ornithomimids, and Therizinosaurs.

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Q: What is the group of long neck dinosaurs called?
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What is the name of the aminal with the long neck?

the Brachiosaurus is one of the many Dinosaurs with a long neck

The scientific name of a long neck dinosaur?

The scientific name of a long neck dinosaur is Brachiosaurus.

What type of dinosaur had a very long neck?

Long necked, herbivorous, quadrupedal dinosaurs were sauropods. Other long necked dinosaurs included ornithomimids or Therizinosaurs.

What is the legendary dinosaur that lived underwater and had a snakelike neck called?

You mean Plesiosaurus? Oh, nope, it's not a dinosaur at all, no dinosaurs back then could swim...or fly. "Flying Dinosaurs" are actually a different group of prehistoric reptiles. Same goes for "Swimming Dinosaurs."

What walks on 4 legs?

The triceratops. All the long neck dinosaurs such as Brachiosaurus

What kind of dinosaurs lived in Tennessee?

One particular Dinosaur called Hadrosaurs (Duck-billed dinosaur)

What were dinosaurs that walked on four legs called?

Any animal that walks on four legs is called quadrupedal. Quadrupedal dinosaurs include sauropods, stegosaurs, ceratopsians, and ankylosaurs. Hadrosaurs could were usually quadrupedal, but could walk, stand, or run on two legs.

How do giraffes neck get long?

They are born with long necks. Their necks do not "get long". They just are long naturally from birth.

What dinosaurs have name starting with j?

Janenschia is a dinosaur. It was a huge dinosaur with a long neck and tail.

Is a long neck and a giraffe related?

Not at all. Giraffes are mammals, which are not closely related to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are more closely related to birds and modern reptiles.