There was the small head and short neck, which were low to the ground. Stegosaurus had four legs, and its forelimbs were much shorter than its hind limbs. The whole Stegosaurus was covered in skin, and of course it had a tail. There were 17 large, triangular, bony plates that stuck vertically out of the creature's back and there were four spikes protruding horizontally from the end of the tail, two on each side. These thagomizers were used for self defense.
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The Chilton's Repair Manuals has decent body part diagrams.
the front legs and its plates
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You can buy exterior BMW car parts at many different retailers such as Toy Town Germany and BMW Parts Giant can all ship exterior BMW parts to Berlin.
Look up the 2000 Ford Excursion in the parts catalog and compare "body exterior" part numbers with other year Excursions and Ford pick-ups to see which parts are interchangeable.
There are four currently accepted species in the genus Stegosaurus. They are Stegosaurus armatus, Stegosaurus stenops, Stegosaurus sulcatus, and Stegosaurus longispinus.
Exterior can be an adjective and a noun. Adjective: Relating to outside parts. Noun: The outside parts.
Auto Parts Warehouse offer products like auto body parts and mirrors, headlights and lighting, engine, brakes, suspension and steering, interior and exterior accessories, etc.
The urethra extends from the bladder and carries its contents to the exterior of the body.
Look up the '90 Ford F-150 in the online parts catalog and compare the "body exterior" part numbers with other Ford years to see which parts are interchangeable between years.