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Brontosaurus is an invalid name for Apatosaurus excelsus, which was a saurischian, or lizard hipped dinosaur. The theropods, the other group of lizard hipped dinosaurs, evolved into birds, which are today the closest living relatives of Apatosaurus. All birds are equally related to Apatosaurus.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Crocodiles or alligators.


Only birds, which evolved from theropod dinosaurs during the Jurassic period, survived until the present day. That makes them not close to, but actual dinosaur descendants.

Interestingly enough iguanas, crocodiles, and such are descendants of species which evolved into dinosaurs and are much more primitive animals. Years of low grade Science Fiction/Horror movies have made them seem to be appropriate stand-ins for dinosaurs.

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14y ago

Many people believe that the crocodile or alligator is the closest living relative of any of the dinosaurs.

The closest living relative is, in fact, the tuatara, a small, endangered reptile of New Zealand.

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11y ago

Stegosaurus was most closely related to other stegosaurs, such as Kentrosaurus. Its next closest relatives were other Thyreophora, i.e., the ankylosaurs. The closest living relatives of Stegosaurus, however, are birds, which evolved from theropod dinosaurs. All birds are equally related to Stegosaurus.

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15y ago

The closest living relatives to dinosaurs are birds. They are thought to have evolved from the smaller dinosaurs that survived the mass extinction.

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16y ago

The chicken you had for dinner last night (or any other bird).

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14y ago

if you mean geneticaly then it is the The modren day chicken

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12y ago


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Q: What is the closest living relative to the stegosaurus?
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