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mr. djw studies dinos

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Q: What is a name of a person witch studies dinosaurs?
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Related questions

What is the scientific name of a person that studies dinosaurs?

The technical term for anyone who studies the fossils of prehistoric creatures other than humans (including dinosaurs) is "paleontologist."

What is the name of the scientist who study dinosaurs?

A person that studies or researches dinosaur are called Paleontologists.

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What is the name of a person that studies organisms

What is the name a scientist that stuidies animals from the past?

Paleontogist studies extinct animals including Dinosaurs.

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An entomologist is a person who studies insects.

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A person who studies sand is known as a psammologist.

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A person who studies sound is called an acoustician.

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A horologist studies time.

What is the name for a scientist who studies dinosaurs?

A person who studies reptiles and amphibians is known as "herpetologist." However, a "batrachologist" is someone who's study focuses solely on amphibians. Herpetologists study reptiles and amphibians. It comes from the Greek term for a "creeping animal" and uses the ending -ology that is used to notate that it is the study of something.

What is the name of a person who studies obesity?

A dietician.