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a meteor witch killed all the dinosaurs

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Q: What hit Earth a long time ago?
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Why does the earth roated?

Why does the earth rotate? Because it got hit by large meteors a long time ago which hit it and made it spin, but there are no forces to slow it down in the vacuum of space so it has carried on spinning.

Why does mercury have a tilt?

a long time ago a asteroid hit it making it tilt on it's axis

When was the last time a comet hit earth and caused an extinction?

The Cretaceous Paleogene extinction event about 65 million years ago.

Will comet ever hit earth?

Fragments of comets hit Earth all the time... well, not all the time, but in large numbers several times a year; this is what most "meteor showers" are.It's certainly possible for a larger comet to hit Earth, and given a long enough time period it becomes a virtual certainty. However, "long enough" is measured in hundreds of thousands or even millions of years, and we think we probably had a significantly-larger-than-usual one a little over a hundred years ago... look up "Tunguska Event".

How long does it take for the sun rays to hit Jupiter and come back to Earth?

They do it all the time.

What size was the biggest meteorite to hit the earth?

EVER to hit the Earth? Probably the Mars-sized body that hit the Earth about 4 billion years ago and created the Moon from the debris. After that may have been the body that caused the Permian Extinctions, about 250 million years ago. That one killed about 95% of all life on Earth. There were other ancient collisions, but that was too long ago to even approximately figure their ages. And there isn't any way to estimate how BIG those impactors were. If they were any larger, they would have sterilized the planet.

How was the earth spilt into different continents long time ago?

The theory of plate tectonics explains that Earth's lithosphere is divided into large plates that move and interact with each other. Millions of years ago, these plates were once all connected as one supercontinent called Pangaea. As the plates moved and shifted over time, Pangaea broke apart, leading to the formation of the continents we see today.

When was the first meteor that ever hit earth?

Probably about 4.6 billion years ago.

When is the next time Halley's comet will hit earth?

Halley's comet is not predicted to hit Earth in the foreseeable future. The next time it will be visible from Earth is in 2061.

Why does uranus rotate on it upside down?

Scientist aren't sure yet but they have a theory that a huge comet or asteroid collided with the blue planet causing it to spin on its side.

How long does the sun from the moon take to hit earth?

The rays from the sun take 8 minutes to hit the earth

When Earth was forming what was the name of the planet that hit Earth?

Actually, a planet never hit Earth. About 6 thousand years ago, there was nothing. Then God spoke and there was Earth. So, Earth was created by God."In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth."Genesis 1:1