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Quadrupedal means having four feet.

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Q: What does the term bipedal mean?
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What does bipedill mean?

Bipedal? Ive never heard of Bipedill, but Bipedal means having two feet.

What describes the ability to walk on two feet?

I believe the term you are looking for is bipedalism or being bipedal.

What is the term for primate that walks on two feet?

A bipedal primate is referred to as a great ape, or a hominid.

What is the term for any priate that walks on two feet?

You must mean primate- there isn't a specific term, they're just called bipedal primates. Apes that have exhibited this include chimpanzees, bonobo's, baboons, gibbons and even some orang-utans.

What is an example sentence for bipedal?

Primates are bipedal.

What does Bipedal pulses were present mean?

Bipedal pulse are located on the top of each foot, just behind the topmost bone -- if looking at someone else's feet. Bipedal pulses should always be "present" and further, should be described as to whether they are strong or weak. So writing in a patient's chart, "Bipedal pulses present and strong" would mean that each foot is getting adequate blood flow without any discernible obstruction.

Is a crab bipedal?

No, a crab is not bipedal. Bipedal means having two legs. Crabs have eight legs. They are octopedal.

What makes humans bipedal?

Anything which has two feet is bipedal.

What words start with ped or mean feet?

Pedal, pedestrian, and bipedal are words related to feet.

What is the prefix having two feet like humans?

The prefix is "bi-," which means two or twice. So, the term you are looking for is "biped," which refers to an animal that walks on two feet.