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Like birds, Pterodactylus and all other pterosaurs had many tiny air sacs in its bones. The air sacs lowered the density of the pterosaur's bones, thus increasing its weight and making it easier for it to fly.

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9y ago

Yes they are hollow like a birds bones. which indicates that a dinosaur was more bird than reptile after all but some had bones that were not hollow.

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15y ago

So they can be lighter when they fly

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Q: What do flying dinosaur have hollow bones?
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Which flying reptile has hollow bones?

Pterosaurs are flying reptiles that have hollow bones, which are similar to modern birds. These hollow bones help reduce the weight of their skeletons, making it easier for them to fly.

Are flying squirrels' bones hollow?

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No, penguins have solid bones like other birds, which helps with their diving abilities and survival in the water. Hollow bones are found in flying birds to reduce weight for easier flight.

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hollow bonesfeathersmuscular chests

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they have hollow bone and human bones are solid

How many bones does a dinosaur have?

I think a dinosaur has 985 bones

When was Dinosaur Bones created?

Dinosaur Bones was created in 2008.

How do you make a dinosaur project?

You can make a dinosaur project by going into your backyard and looking for dinosaur bones. When you find the dinosaur bones you can determine what kind of bones they are as a project.

What animal has hollow or partly hollow bones?

birds have hollow bones to help them fly