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The best protected dinosaur was the Saichania ( sa-y-ka-ni-a ) even its underside was protected.

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12y ago

Ankylosauria is a group of herbivorous dinosaurs of the order Ornithischia. It includes the great majority of dinosaurs with armor in the form of bony osteoderms.

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stegosaurus,euoplocephalus and etc

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Q: What dinosaurs have armor plating?
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What does the armor plating extra do in Lego Batman?

The armor plating makes the demolition suit bullet proof.

What does armor plating extrs do in Lego batman?

The Armor Plating makes the demolition suit bulletproof. Weird, huh? I imagined it would be all suits.

What does the term ironclads mean?

covered or protected with iron.Noun A 19th-century warship with armor plating.

What kinds of animals used an armor?

Armadillo,turtles,crocs/gators, dinosaurs...

How much does a hummer equipped with armour plating weigh?

A Hummer will weigh as much as 6000 pounds. The armor plating can add 8000 pounds, giving the vehicle a total weight of 14,000 pounds.

What metal would make good armor plating?

Metals like steel, titanium, and aluminum are commonly used for armor plating due to their high strength and durability. These metals can provide good protection against various types of threats such as bullets, shrapnel, and explosives. It's important to consider the specific requirements of the armor, such as weight, flexibility, and cost, when choosing the appropriate metal.

What are some uses for nickel?

Nickel is used for making stainless steel, cionage, armor plating, ceramics, magnets, and batteries.

Which applications does military use depleted uranium?

The military uses depleted uranium primarily for armor-piercing ammunition and armor plating for vehicles due to its high density and ability to penetrate armor. It is also used in some military vehicles for counterweights and ballast.

Why did tanks sink easily in mud?

Tanks sunk easily in mud, for they were so heavy and large. The armor plating was also very thick and dense.

What does a dinosaur skeleton has that is not in the human skeleton?

To note a few things, dinosaurs had tails, and humans do not. Dinosaurs had snouts, unlike us. They also had claws, while we have keratin fingernails. Many types of dinosaurs had bony armor, horns, or headcrests, which humans do not have.

What kind of armor was used in the 1800s?

Armor was not a military concept until the early and middle 20th century. Armor was actually the invention of the British (actually Australian born Lancelot de Mole) design, the Mark I, which was the first tank ever in combat in Spetember 1916, World War I. While other vehicles and equipement utilize armor plating, the term armor typical refers to tanks or fighting vehicles such as the Bradley, the Cougar, and the M1117 Guardian, as well as others in the US arsenal.

What should travelers pack for comfort and safety for Cretaceous period?

i think travelers would pack armor or protection from the dinosaurs, and wear a LOT of camo