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well in fact most of them we found were Vegetarian it makes sents because meat eaters eat meat so there has to be more vegetarian it is the same with Animals today but the meat eater are the most well known some examples are the Diplodocus (which neck was about 8 m long five_toed feet and a small haed with a even smaller brain and spines on it,s back) Triceratops (with 3 hourns in front og it,s head the smallest one was in the front of it close to it,s mouth and 2 thist over it,s eyers and it,s skull looks like a piece of armer it stood on 4 legs and had a long tail) Camptosaurus (which in greek stands for bent lizard it was a fast runner and standed some times on 4 legs and some times on 2 legs) Tuojiangosaurus (The two rows of bony plates was along its spine and two large spikes where on each side of its tail which helped protect it while it nibbled on soft shoots and ferns) Edmontosaurus (Up to 13m long and weighing 7 tonnes, its horny beak and thousand grinding cheek teeth formed a 'dental battery' for munching pine needles, cones and twigs)

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I believe that all herbivorous dinosaurs were vegan.

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