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Dinosaurs which ate meat were the smartest ones, had claws, had sharp teeth and always walked on two legs* (for running fast to catch their prey). Some examples are: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Velociraptor, Allosaurus, Carnotaurus. There are alot more. *Some plant eaters walked on two legs too.

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16y ago
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8y ago

no, only therapods were carnivorous, but the therizneasaur branch were more closely related towards the sauropod branch and eat leaves and fruit, or just look in a book of dinosaurs, that's usually one of the first things they say in the book
NO! Some ate leaves and other things that weren't meat which means that they were herbivores, but it just depends what type of dinosaur it was.

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12y ago

tyranosaurus,tarbosarus,albertosaurus,dasplatosaurus,alectrasaurus,giginotosaurus,charcheradontosarus,maposaurus,sinrapter,allosaurus,carnotaurus,rajosaurus,abelosaurus,mujungosaurus.ect... ect

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12y ago

none because there's none left

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13y ago

You won't really know how much dinosaurs were carnivores(meat eaters)but only 10% of the dinosaurs were carnivores.

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12y ago

No dinosours are meat eaters,they are plant eaters.

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Were more dinosaurs plant eaters or plant eaters?

More dinosaurs were plant eaters than meat eaters. That is because there is more food for plant eaters than for meat eaters.

Where do dinosaurs get their food from?

Basically, at the time of the dinosaurs, there were carnivores (meat eaters) and herbivores (plant eaters).

Where more dinosaurs plant-eaters or meat-eaters?

there were more pant eaters. They are called Herbivores. Meat eating dinosaurs are called, carnivores. Carnivores ate Herbivores.

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Was most of the dinosaurs plant eaters or meat eaters?

Most dinosaurs were plant eaters. This is because plants are more common than animals.

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Euopocephalus are herbivores.

Did dinosaurs have flat teeth when they were born?

some did but not the meat eaters

Was there more meat or plant eater dinosaurs?

plant eaters

What dinosaurs are the plant eaters?

the meat eating or carnivours dinosaurs were the smartst. the meat eating or carnivours dinosaurs were the smartst.

Why are meat eating dinosaurs more intelligent than plant eaters?

the meat eaters were able to hunt in packs while plant eaters could not control there herd

Didi most dinosaurs eat meat?

no there are more plant eaters.

Were more dinosaur plant eaters or meat eaters?

More species of dinosaurs were herbivorous. Additionally, the populations of herbivorous dinosaurs were much larger than the populations of equally sized carnivorous dinosaurs.