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Q: What did Triceratops have on its head?
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Which of the dinosaurs below is known for having three horns on its head?


What are facts about the triceratops dinosaur?

triceratops are herbivores. They have 3 big horns in front of their head to protect themselves and their babies from being eaten.They travel with their herds.

What is the thing on a triceratops back?

Triceratops didn't have anything on its back. However, it did have a large round frill that came off the back of its head and covered its neck.

What dinosaur that has a larger head then any other has three hornss and they eat plants?


What does the prefix tri in triceratops mean?

It means three. As in the three horns on the head of the beast.

Is a triceratops a herbivore or a carnivore?

Triceratops was an herbivore, or plant eater. Triceratops had large batteries of teeth and definitely chewed its food. This suggests that they ate tough vegetation. In addition, Triceratops's head was relatively low to the ground, so any plants that it ate would have to be relatively low growing for it to reach them, unless it used its horns to tip trees over on occasion. They may have eaten conifers, cycads, palms, or ferns.

What dinosaur has 3 horns?

The dinosaur with three horns is called the "Triceratops". It is a large plant eater with a frill protecting it's neck. The Triceratops uses the horns for spearing plants, and as weapons to protect itself from predators.

What dinosaur had a horn on the back of its head and stood on its hind legs?

That does not exactly make sense. Perhaps you are thinking of the triceritops.

What were the names of the 16 types of triceratops?

There were only two species of Triceratops. They were Triceratops horridus and Triceratops prorsus.

What thing is the same between a trex and triceratops?

Both Tyrannosaurus rex and Triceratops were dinosaurs. They were also very similar in regards to weight, and they were both very formidable to their enemies. Of course, they both had all the basic body parts for a dinosaur, the head, the torso, the four limbs, even though Tyrannosaurus had very small arms, and the tail.

What is a triseratop?

Triceratops was a 30 foot long, 6 to 12 ton ceratopsian. Like nearly all ceratopsians, Triceratops was herbivorous and quadrupedal. Triceratops had a bulky torso supported by its four stocky legs. The hind legs were slightly longer than the front legs and had four toes, while the front legs had three toes. Triceratops had a thick tail, but it was short by dinosaur standards. The head of Triceratops was huge in proportion it its body. It had a beak which it used for plucking leaves to eat. Above each eye it had a three foot long horn, and there was a smaller horn on the nose. A large, round frill extended from the back of the Triceratops's head, and the frill was probably used for display. Triceratops was thirty feet long and nearly ten feet tall at the highest point. The length of the head and frill was about ten feet, while the body added another ten feet and the tail made up the final third of its length.

Description of a triceratops body?

Triceratops had a bulky torso supported by its four stocky legs. The hind legs were slightly longer than the front legs and had four toes, while the front legs had three toes. Triceratops had a thick but tail, but it was short by dinosaur standards. The head of Triceratops was huge in proportion it its body. It had a beak which it used for plucking leaves to eat. Above each eye it had a three foot long horn, and there was a smaller horn on the nose. A large, round frill extended from the back of the Triceratops's head, and the frill was probably used for display. Triceratops was thirty feet long and nearly ten feet tall at the highest point. The length of the head and frill was about ten feet, while the body added another ten feet and the tail made up the final third of its length. Triceratops weighed 6 to 12 tons, depending on whose weight estimate you use.