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The coloration of dnosaurs is unknown, as the flesh rotted away a VERY long time ago. In fact, we don't even know if they were scaled, feathered, or furred creatures.

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Q: What color was a Kronosaurus?
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When was Kronosaurus created?

Kronosaurus was created in 1992.

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How long was a kronosaurus?

I think it was about 45ft long

Did the kronosaurus breath fire?

Yes, kronosaurus is mentioned in Job chapter 41, where it states that it breathes fire. Also, there are unexplained cavities in its head which could be where fuel was stored.

Where does a kronosaurus live?

Kronosaurus lived in warm shallow seas. Its fossils have been found in Columbia, South America, and Australia. They lived between 125 and 99 million years ago.

Does kronosaurus lay eggs?

Yes, all reptiles lay eggs.

What are the kronosaurus habitat?

Kronosaurus was a large marine reptile that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. Its habitat likely included shallow marine environments such as seas and oceans, where it hunted for prey and navigated the waters. Known from fossil discoveries in Australia and Colombia, Kronosaurus would have inhabited warm, tropical waters.

Is a kronosaurus big or small?

It is big because it is two long school busses

What are some sea monsters?

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Is the kronosaurus a true dinosaur?

Kronosaurus is not and never was believed to have been a dinosaur. They're Pliosaurs which is a family of the Order Sauropsida. The Dinosaurs and Sauropsids all belong to the Class Reptilia, but there the relationships end. The Dinosaurs are classified further into two separate Orders -- the Ornithischia and Saurischia.

What period did the kronosaurus live?

Kronosaurus, a type of pliosaur (carnivorous marine reptile related to plesiosaurs but with a short neck). It died out about 99 million years ago, during the Cenomanian stage of the upper Cretaceous period, the third and final period of the Mesozoic era.

What do kronosaurus eat?

Kronosaurus was a large marine reptile that lived during the Late Cretaceous period. It is believed to have primarily fed on other marine animals such as fish, squid, and smaller marine reptiles. Its large size and robust jaws suggest that it was a formidable predator in its oceanic environment.