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Q: What came first Himalayas or dinosaur?
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Who is the first between dinosaur baby and dinosaur mother?

The dinosaur mother came first. Both the dinosaur mother and father were needed to produce the egg where the dinosaur baby came from.

What came first the egg or the dinosaur?


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Who came first dinosaurs or human?

Humans came after Dinosaurs.

Who came first the dinosaur egg or the dinosaur?

The dinosaur egg always comes first. Every dinosaur starts is life as an egg. It is like asking what comes first birth, childhood, adulthood, middle age or death.

What came first the dinosaur or the chicken?

Dinosaurs predate chickens by some 200+ million years.

Which came first the dinosaur age or Mary and Joseph?

It is unanimously agreed that the dinosaur age came before Mary and Joseph, although the amount of time in between varies depending on the philosophy of who you ask.

What came first the dinosaur or the car?

Dinosaurs first appeared about 230 million years ago. First production car was 1898 in Germany. So which came first in history?

Who came first chick or the egg?

In a study conducted by the University of Arizona, the chicken came first. They discovered that our modern day chicken came from the dinosaurs, and not all dinosaurs laid eggs. Said dinosaur gave live birth, but after whatever catastrophic event made them extinct, the species adapted and evolved to lay eggs (to protect their off-spring). So the dinosaur adapted and evolved to an egg-laying mammal, and that animal evolved into a chicken. Then the chicken laid the egg. So technically, the dinosaur came first, but that's not an option. So it was the chicken that came first.

What was the first dinosaur on the planet?

The first dinosaur was Eoraptor.

Did the ice age or the dinosaur era come first?

The dinosaurs were around millions of years ago.The iceage came after.

Who was the first to kill a dinosaur?

Dinosaurs roamed the earth and died out millions of years before humans came on the scene.