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The oldest dinosaur types are known from rocks in Argentina and Brazil and are about 230 million years old. The most primitive of these types, Eoraptor, was a small meat-eating dinosaur. Because Eoraptor's skeleton shows some advanced skeletal features, older dinosaurs may yet be found.

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14y ago
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10y ago

Oh, life in the seas began far, far earlier than the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are reckoned as creatures of the "Middle Life" (we're in the "Recent Life"); sea creatures like trilobites and sea scorpions belong the the "Ancient Life."

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15y ago

Eorapter and herrosaurus were 2 of the first dinosaurs.

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13y ago

150 Million years ago, during the Jarassic Period, Curtacious Period,

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7y ago

Land dinosaurs.

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Q: What came earlier on earth strange sea animals or dinosaurs?
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