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Sharks are still in existence, while dinosaurs became extinct long ago.

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Q: What are some similarities and differences between sharks and dinosaurs?
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What are the similarities and differences between a shark and a whale?

There are many similarities and differences between a shark and a whale. The similarities is that have a similar streamlined body structure but the differences are many including sharks are fish while whales are mammals, sharks have a vertical tail structure while whales have a horizontal one among others.

Are dinosaurs really sharks?

Sharks are Sharks and dinosaurs are dinosaurs. But there were animals recognizable as Sharks living when the dinosaurs did.

What is the similarities between sharks and fish?

both fish

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Will sharks eat dinosaurs?

Yes because dinosaurs are tasty and sharks are mean

Similarities and differences between dolphins and shark?

Similarities: Both dolphins and sharks are marine animals that belong to the class of fish. They both have streamlined bodies, fins for swimming, and are carnivorous. Differences: Dolphins are mammals, while sharks are fish. Dolphins give birth to live young and nurse them with milk, while sharks lay eggs or give birth to live young. Dolphins are known for their intelligence and social behavior, while sharks are more solitary animals known for their hunting prowess.

What are the differences between the jets and sharks?

their race and their opportunities

Differences between sharks and dolphins?

Dolphins breathe with lungs while sharks breathe with gills.

What came first crocodiles or sharks?

Sharks existed at the same time dinosaurs did. Sharks pre-date the dinosaurs by quite a bit. To get from sharks to dinosaurs: sharks - bony fish - lobe finned fish - lung fish - amphibians - reptiles - dinosaurs.

What came first sharks or dinosaurs?


What some differences between dolphins and sharks?

There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

Did dinosaurs have a cloaca or an anus?

Dinosaurs likely had a cloaca, which is a single opening for waste elimination, reproduction, and urination. This is based on the similarities between dinosaurs and modern birds, which are known to have cloacas.