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The Ichthyosaurus, Elasmosaurus Platyurus, Kronosaurus, Tylosaurus, Mosasaurus, Ophthalmosaurus, Plesiosaurus, Nothosaurus, Liopleurodon, Shonisaurus and Jacksonasaurus . =)

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15y ago

some include the t-rex or te ticeritops

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Q: What are some names of Dinosaurs in alphabetical order?
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Triceritops and other herbivours.

What are some of the names of deserts alphabetically?

Here is a list of Deserts by Size. Quite easy to use this list and put the names in alphabetical order.

What are the names of vegetarian dinosaurs?

Plant eating dinosaurs, or herbivores, were more prominent than meat eating dinosaurs. Some included sauropods, hadrosaurs, stegosaurs and ornithopods.

What are the names of some dinosaurs?

Torosaurus, Tyrannosaurus, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Diplodicus, Muttaburrasaurus, Apatasaurus.

What is the name of an underwater dinosaur?

There are no names of underwater dinosaurs because there were no underwater dinosaurs. Sea reptiles that lived at the same time as the dinosaurs were around. Names of these sea-living reptiles include: Liopleurodon, Opthalmosaurus and Tylosaurus.

What are some names of fossils?

Kingdom (Regnum)-- Division (Phylum)---- Class (Classis)------ Order (Ordo)-------- Family (Familia)---------- Genus (Genus)------------ Species (Species)-------------- Subspecies(Subspecies)

Does so come before some in alphabetical order?

"So" does come before "some" in alphabetical order.

What made dinosaurs fly?

Dinosaurs never flew dinosaurs were land reptiles although some dinosaurs could swim