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Q: What animal can be found in Dino Dan's backyard other than dinosaurs?
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Did dinosaurs die out?

This is not an answer for the question but a fact about Dinos did you that chiken DNA is mor closer to Dino dna 🧬 than any other animal.

Did diplodocus live in land or water?

Like other dinosaurs diplodocus was a land animal.

There were no humans when dinosaurs roamed the earth millions of years ago.How did you know then what dinosaurs looked like?

They are renderings based on the skeletons found in addition to other guessed aspects.

Are dinosaurs trapped in bird bodies?

Many scientists now consider birds to be dinosaurs. But to say they are "trapped" is probably not the right term. They are no more "trapped" than any other type of animal.

What is a two footed animal called?

A animal that normally walks on two legs is called 'bipedal'. On the other hand, a four legged animal is a 'quadrupedal'. Examples of bipedals are kangaroos, birds, and humans. Many dinosaurs were also bipedals.

Who kills dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs hunted and killed other dinosaurs. A few huge relatives of crocodiles, such as Deinosuchus and Suchomimus, probably hunted dinosaurs. A few of the largest mammals alive at the time, such as Repenomamus, may have hunted dinosaur hatchlings. Scientists consider birds a subdivision of dinosaurs, in which case any animal that hunts birds kills dinosaurs. Of course, prehistoric pathogens would have killed some dinosaurs through disease.

Why are the same dinosaur bones found on different continents?

Dinosaurs lived before the continents separated from each other. Dinosaurs lived over wide areas in different places.

Do scavengers eat dinosaurs?

Dead dinosaurs would have been scavenged by carnivorous dinosaurs, crocodilians, and other meat eating animals. One dinosaur that had an especially good sense of smell and could have easily found carrion was Tyrannosaurus.

Do other dinosaurs eat them?

One clade of dinosaurs, the theropods, were carnivorous. Many of them were large and ate other dinosaurs. Today, birds are the only surviving group of dinosaurs. Some birds of prey eat other birds, so dinosaurs still eat other dinosaurs today.

Can you pick up mushrooms from the other backyard in backyard monster?

No you cannot.

Did dinosaurs faer other dinosaurs?


Do dinosaurs still live to this day?

Dinosaurs as most people think of them are completely extinct. However, birds evolved from dinosaurs, and as such, are considered to be a group of dinosaurs. Since birds are still alive today, so are some dinosaurs. No dinosaurs other than birds are alive today, though.