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No. By millions of years.

The earliest hominid (pre human) Homo habilis lived from about 2.4 to 1.4 million years before the present date. The end of the Age of Dinosaurs ended around 65.5 million years ago

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15y ago

No cave men lived millions of years after the dinosaurs went extinct, which was about 65-million years ago, the oldest that we can trace back cave men is about 230,000 years ago.

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Q: Were cavemen alive when dinosaurs were alive?
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When dinosaurs were alive was people to?

yes, cavemen were alive.

How did cavemen kill dinosaurs when they were around?

Humans and dinosaurs were not alive at the same time. Humans came after dinosaurs were already extinct.

What other types of animals were there when the dinosaurs were alive?

Lizards, crabs, birds maybe? And scientists are investigatong if this includes Cavemen.

How did cavemen survive against dinosaurs?

Cavemen and Dinosaurs were not around at the same time.

Were dinosaurs still alive when cavemen were?

The commonly accepted "scientific" stand is that dinosaurs had been extinct for about 65 million years when cavemen showed up. It should be noted that opinions vary on this, regarding both the time frame, and man's development through time.

Why did cavemen never seen dinosaurs?

Early man was 65 million years after the era of dinosaurs.

Did cavemen eat dinosaurs?

No. Cavemen and dinosaurs never co-existed meaning they didn't work together. They lived at different times, dinosaurs then cavemen. If they did, the carnivore dinosaurs would of eaten the cavemen and of those that are herbivores, they could be trampled to death.

Did dinosaurs exist when cavemen came?


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cavemen and dinosaurs.... :)

Did cavemen live before dinosaurs or after dinosaurs?

The lived during the dinos.

What are cavemen and dinosaurs like?

See below

Did cavemen and dinosaurs live separately?

Dinosaurs died out 65.5 million years ago, and the earliest humans evolved 2.3 million years ago, long after all the dinosaurs had disappeared. Hence, dinosaurs did not live alongside cavemen.