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Yes, Allosaurus was strictly carnivorous. Adult Allosaurus probably hunted large, herbivorous dinosaurs such as Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus, and Stegosaurus, and young sauropods. If they hunted in packs on occasion, they may have even hunted huge adult sauropods such as Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, and Apatosaurus.

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Q: Was a allosaurus a carnivore
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Is a allosaurus a carnivore or a herbivore?

It is a vertebrate

Is allosaurus carnivore?


Which one is bigger t rex or allosaurus?

The T-Rex is bigger than the Allosaurus though the Allosaurus was the biggest carnivore of it's time but the T-Rex is still bigger

How is Allosaurus such an interesting dinosaur?

Okey. I'll try to make Allosaurus sound very cool. -Allosaurus was 37 feet long, 14 feet tall and weighed 2-5 tons. -It lived 155-144 Mya, in North America. -Although smaller than Tyrannosaurus, Allosaurus may have been the most lethal carnivore on the planet. -Allosaurus could take on any prey item at it's time, like Camarasaurus, Stegosaurus or Camptosaurus. -Allosaurus was the largest carnivore in the movie '' The Lost World. " - The only thing brave enough to take on Allosaurus is a 24 ft long predator named Ceratosaurus. - Allosaurus was found in 1877, and it's name ment '' Different lizard".

Compare a apatasaurus and a allosaurus?

Both Allosaurus and Apatosaurus lived in the same area at the same time, and they were both Saurischian (lizard hipped) dinosaurs. Apatosaurus was an herbivore with four legs, a long neck, and a tiny head, and was many times larger than Allosaurus. Allosaurus was a bipedal carnivore with a very large head and sharp teeth.

What does allosaurus feed on?

Allosaurus was a 28 foot long, one to four ton carnivore, depending on the weight estimate you use. Adults would have hunted large, herbivorous dinosaurs, such as Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus, and Stegosaurus. In addition, Allosaurus may have gathered in groups on occasion to hunt massive sauropods such as Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, or Apatosaurus.

Is allosaurus a carnivorous dinosaur?

Yes, Allosaurus was a large carnivore. They hunted large herbivorous dinosaurs such as Camptosaurus, Dryosaurus, and Stegosaurus, as well as young sauropods such as Diplododocus, Apatosaurus, Camarasaurus, and Brachiosaurus. They may have on occasion gathered into groups and hunted fully grown sauropods.

Did allosaurus eat ceratosaurus?

Allosaurus was dominant over Ceratosaurus, but Ceratosaurus would not be usual prey for Allosaurus. Carnivore almost never prey on other carnivores. It is possible though on rare occasions Allosaurus may hunt and kill a Ceratosaurus for food.

DOes the Allosaurus live in herds?

Allosaurus was a carnivore, so the term "herd" isn't accurate. A group of carnivorous animals is usually called a "pack." Allosaurus may or may not have lived in packs, and there isn't any definitive evidence in either direction. Another possibility is that they were solitary, but occasionally gathered together to hunt large sauropods such as Diplodocus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus, and Apatosaurus.

Is a dinosaur a carnivore name few?

A couple of the dinosaur carnivores are: Tyrannosaurus Rex, Albertosaurus, Allosaurus, Baryonyx, Ceratosaurus, Compsognathus, Deinonychus, and many many more!

What are top 20 biggest land carnivore animals ever?

Top twenty would be hard, but suffice it to say all were theropod carnivorous dinosaurs. Spinosaurus may have been the longest, at 55 feet, but was somewhat lighter than Tyrannosaurus Rex. Giganotosaurus was nearly as big as T Rex, and so was Allosaurus Amplexus. Allosaurus Fragilus, Allosaurus Atrox, Ceratosaurus were some of the smaller theropods.

What is the allosaurus' scientific name?

There is one accepted species in the Allosaurus genus. Its full Latin (or scientific) name is Allosaurus fragilis.