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well the t-rex might have been the king of all dinoes but the spinosaurus was the largest carnivore of all time if the two faced off the spino will win due to the fact that it had larger claws and was way much smarter

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Archibald Bernier

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2y ago
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13y ago

Well, We will never know because Spino lived in Africa and T-rex lived in North America, So they never fought. But in my opinion, the T-rex would have won. The T-rex's teeth are meant to crush bones and the Bite force is 183 to 235 kN which is really strong but Spino's is made for Fishing and Smaller Reptiles but believe me, they have found other dinosaurs in Spino's stomach, But in a fight a T-rex would win.

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12y ago

well the t-rex might have been the king of all dinoes but the spinosaurus was the largest carnivore of all time if the two faced off the spino will win due to the fact that it had larger claws and was way much smarter

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