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A late Triassic theropod, a meat-eater about 9 feet (3 m) long. *Cynognathus

Cynognathus was a wolf-sized reptile that lived during the Triassic period. *Desmatosuchus

An extinct reptile that lived over 200 million years ago. *Eoraptor

One of the oldest dinosaurs yet found. A small, primitive, meat-eating dinosaur with sharp teeth. *Fabrosaurus(NOT making that up, haha)

A small, primitive plant-eating dinosaur from South Africa. *Gerrothorax

An ancient amphibian that lived over 200 million years ago. *Plateosaurus

A late Triassic plant-eater. *Postosuchus

Postosuchus is an extinct reptile that lived over 200 million years ago. *Procompsognathus

An early, small, meat-eating dinosaur from the late Triassic period. *Riojasaurus

A large, early, South American, plant-eating dinosaur. *Saltopus

A small, fast, early meat-eating dinosaur. *Teratosaurus

Teratosaurus was an extinct reptile that lived about 225 million years ago - not a dinosaur. *Thecodontosaurus

An early plant-eating dinosaur from the late Triassic period. I prefer the Jarasic period.. It just makes for better movies ;)

hope that helps!

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10y ago

There were tons of dinosaurs that lived during the Triassic period. They include the Eoraptor, Pterospondylus, Isanosaurus, Daemonosaurus, and the Plateosaurus.

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What lived in the Triassic period?

Early Dinosaurs that evolved from the Jurrasic times.

What kind of dinosaurs lived in the Triassic period?

Some of the dinosaurs that lived in the Triassic period include: Pterosauras, Coelophysis, Plateosaurus, and Peteinosaurus. (Lol It Was 4 Ma Science Project ;] )

Is it true that the first dinosaurs appeared in the triassic period?

Yes, the first dinosaurs evolved in the Triassic period. The earliest dinosaurs that have been discovered are Eoraptor and Herrerasaurus, which lived 231.4 million years ago.

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out of the three listed, the earliest is the triassic period, then the jurassic, and finally the cretaceous period (the last prehistoric period in which dinosaurs lived.)

Which period is older than the Triassic period?

The Jurassic Period followed the Triassic.

What period were dinosaurs from?

None-avian dinosaurs first appeared in the Triassic period and were the dominant land vertebrates through the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. At the end of the Cretaceous period, 65.5 million years ago, all non-avian dinosaurs went extinct. Birds, which are now classified as dinosaurs, continue to live to his day.

Dinosaurs lived during what period?

Jurassic, Triassic, Cretaceous/The Mesozoic (all 3 in 1)

Did all prosauropods live in the triassic?

Yes. all the PROSAUROPODS lived in the triassic period. PRO means before, SAUROPOD means long necked dinosaurs that lived in the JURASSIC and CRETACEOUS. PROSAUROPODS, on the other hand, lived in the TRIASSIC.

What Era did dinosaurs live in?

The dinosaurs lived in the Mesozoic Era, which includes the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous periods. The first dinosaurs appeared in the late Triassic and went extinct at the end of the Cretaceous.

What is a trassic period?

The Triassic Period is a geological time period that occurred from about 251 to 201 million years ago. It followed the Permian Period and preceded the Jurassic Period in the Mesozoic Era. The Triassic Period saw the diversification of early reptiles and the rise of dinosaurs.

How many species lived in Pangaea?

At the beginning of the Triassic period, there were no dinosaurs on Pangaea, the super continent. At the end of the period, it is not known exactly how many there were. There are about 700 named dinosaurs.

How long ago did dinosaurs live in the jurasic peirod?

Dinosaurs lived in the Jurassic Period over 145 to 200 million years ago. Dinosaurs became extinct during the Triassic period.