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Spinosaurus date to the lower Albian and through the Cenomanian stage of the Early Cretaceous. That time was between 106 and 93.5 million years ago. Spinosaurus were one of the largest theropods ever, even bigger than Tyrannosaurus rex.

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Do spinosaurus canibalized their own kind?

There is no evidence of cannibalism in Spinosaurus. However, many reptiles are cannibalistic on occasion, and there is a chance that Spinosaurus was, too. If it were, however, the only cases of cannibalism would be when large Spinosaurus killed and ate the young offspring of other Spinosaurus.

Is a spinosaurus bigger than a baryonyx?

A spinosaurus is much larger than the baryonyx

How do you spell spinosaurus?

That is the correct spelling of the genus name Spinosaurus (a large carnivorous dinosaur).

Is there a spinosaurus in combat of the giant dinosaur strike?

There is no spinosaurus but there are other spinosaurids,which are baryonyx and suchomimus

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How much did food did spinosaurus eat?

Spinosaurus eat Fish, Pterosaurs and Other Dinosaur

What Inviorment Did the Spinosaurus live in?

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus lived in coastal mangrove swamps, eating fish.