The most effective way to breed a moss dragon is a flower dragon (lv 10 left) and a tree dragon (lv 10 right). This has about a 15% success rate.
Other breeding methods include:
The moss dragon egg has vertical brown and green wavy stripes. It takes 12 hours to breed, and another 12 hours to hatch.
It can also be purchased in the market for 25 gems.
The most effective way to breed a mud dragon is an earth dragon (lv 10 left) and a fog dragon (lv 10 right). This has about a 35% success rate. You have to be a user level of 14 to get the mud dragon.
The mud dragon egg has brown and blue horizontal wavy lines. It takes 6 hours to breed, and another 6 hours to hatch. It can also be purchased in the market for 250 gems. It gives 10,000 experience points upon hatching.
Other, slightly less effective, breeding methods include:
Another dragon
There is no "marsh" dragon in dragonvale but if you are referring to the moss dragon the best way to get it is earth and plant, although you also have a chance to breed the tree dragon.
Answer from Soccer_Anthony in GC. You will get a flower dragon, poisen dragon, moss dragon, lava dragon, tree dragon. These are all I know.
You will either get a poison dragon, flower dragon, obsidian dragon, lava dragon, moss dragon, or tree dragon.
You don't breed a Kairos Dragon in DragonVale. You have to get parts to complete it.
You would either get a plant dragon or another moss dragon.
you breed a ice dragon with a mine dragon
Moss is tree and earth lava is earth and fire check the store for which dragon goes on leftv or right because you could make a flower or a tree dragon by accident
You have to breed a plant and a fire dragon.
There is no such thing as a ground dragon its an earth dragon. They have to be level 4 or higher. 25%clover 30%tree 45%moss
As of July 2012, there has not been a star dragon in DragonVale.
You have to breed a sun and moon dragon together