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We know about dinosaurs because we have found their bones which have become fossilized. Fossil fuels are made from old vegetation and dead animals which have been compressed for 300 thousand years. The use of the word fossil means something that is very old. That is the connection between fossilized dinosaurs and fossil fuels.


There is a popular notion that fossil fuel is made from the remains of dead dinosaurs. This is not correct.

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) developed from organic (living) material subjected to intense heat and pressure over millions of years.

  • Oil and gas came from plankton and other tiny organisms.
  • Coal came from larger plants and animals.

Coal developed around 300 million years ago. The first dinosaurs evolved from earlier reptiles (archosaurs) about 230 million years ago. So there may be some early reptiles in coal, but not really any dinosaurs.

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Q: How do dinosaurs have anything to do with fossil fuels?
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Where are fossil fuels from?

Dead dinosaurs.

How do you rewrite this sentence to make it correct Fossil fuels are made from the fossils of dinosaurs?

Fossil fuels are formed from the remains of ancient plants and animals that have been buried and transformed over millions of years.

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Because fossil fuels are dinosaurs that take millions and millions of years to form under extreme conditions. 1: no one has a million yrs to wait 2: There are no motr dinosaurs

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Since the beginning of time, mainly dinosaurs.

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If Earth did then there wouldn't be electricity, coal or anything that we humans rely on today that uses fossil fuels.

Does pressure have to do anything with fossil fuels?

Yes, pressure is a factor in the formation of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas).

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fossil fuels are used for powering cars, radio, lights so basically anything that involves electricity.

Can you say that carbon is found in fossil fuels?

Yes, carbon from trees, plants and animal life (maybe even some early dinosaurs) was stored in fossil fuels 300 million years ago.

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Fuel fits in fossil fuels because it is oil or fossil fuels which are used as fuel. Fuel isn't necessarily petrol , it is anything that powers something, like weetbix is a fuel for your body.

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Fossil fuels. Anything with a finite supply.