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Tyrannosaurus rex raised their young in the Western half of North America (all known fossils are in Canada and the US), which is where they lived. We know little (if anything) about the specifics of T-rex mothering, however, fossil evidence suggests that most dinosaurs did care for their young.

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13y ago
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13y ago

It is not really known how the T-rex mated with each other. It is hypothesized that the male would insert his penis into the female's cloaca, and would then ejaculate his sperm into her. The sperm would then fertilize her eggs, thus making Tyrannosaur babies after the eggs are laid and hatched.

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12y ago

Like virtually all land vertebrates T-rex would have mated with the male fertilizing the female. The female after some time would then lay eggs that would later hatch.

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8y ago

They did not give birth to live young they laid eggs

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15y ago

The man TRex boned the girl TRex.

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3y ago

life finds a way

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