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When Adam from The Bible named all the animals of the earth, he named them dinosaurs.

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3y ago
Yes, I read somewhere that it was Adam who named all the dinosaurs.

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When was Deinosuchus created?

Deinosuchus was created in 1909.

Which is bigger sarcosuchus or deinosuchus?

Deinosuchus is 56 ft and Supercroc is 45 ft so Deinosuchus is bigger

Was deiniosuchus the biggest dinosaur?

No. Deinosuchus was an crocodilian, not a dinosaur. Dinosaurs far bigger than deinosuchus are known.

What ate deinosuchus?

Scientists were not sure about the deinosuchus enemies, but they may be attacked by t-rexes and some large pterodactyls.

Is a phobosuchus a Deinosuchus?

yes. both phobosuchus and deinosuchus are the same creature. they are supposedly from the crocodilian family, millions of years ago

Does the deinosuchus have to come to the surface to breathe?


What are crocodiles relatives?

Alligators,gharials,caimans,sarcosuchus,deinosuchus,and other crocodiles.

Was Deinosuchus a relative of the alligator?

The difference between a croc and a gator is there snout. Crocs have a "V" shaped snout and gators have a "U" shaped snout. Since Deinosuchus have a more "U" shaped snout, it's a relative of the alligator.

What is the normal weight of a deinosuchus?

i say it is about 8.5 metric tons (9.4 short tons)

Is the deinosuchus still living today?

It is still living today but a smaller version of it. It is the alligator.

Who were the enemies of the dimetrodon?

ones like young t-rexes, dromaosaurids (raptors) and deinosuchus (giant crocidiles)

Who would win an anklyosaurus or crocodile?

Anklyosaurus wins on land. Deinosuchus would have a hard time biting the anklyosaurus's well protected armor in spikes. A hit of the anklyosaurus's tail on the head would injure the giant crocodile. In water, Deinosuchus would win. It could grab the anklyosaurus's legs and pull it underwater.