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we're not shere coelophysis died scients are still woking on it

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Q: How did Coelophysis die?
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How did the coelophysis die off?

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How did coelophysis die off?

The better Q is "What was the cause of the triassic mass-Extinction?"

Who named the Coelophysis dinosaur?

Coelophysis was named by the infamous Edward Drinker Cope.

What is ghost ranches theory for the extinction of coelophysis dinosaurs?

scientist say the die because of a flood and a drought

What evidence was found of the Coelophysis?

The evidence of Coelophysis are multiple fossilized skeletons. Some of them were complete skeletons, which are rare when it comes to dinosaur fossils. There is one known species from the Coelophysis genus.

What were coelophysis enemy?


What were the coelophysis enemies?


Where did the coelophysis lived?

The Coelophysis ate small crocodiles & smaller Coelophysis. Basically ate anything smaller than itself.

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Are coelophysis water dinosaurs?

Yes they are.

What was the height of a Coelophysis?

about 4ft. tall

True or false Tyrannosaurus rex coelophysis and allosaurus are examples of theropods.?

True. Tyrannosaurus rex, Coelophysis, and Allosaurus are examples of theropods.