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For starters, we don't know a lot about dinosaurs. We used to think there was a brontosaurus, until we discovered someone mistakenly spliced two different dinosaurs. Some scientists think the T-Rex might have had feathers and some think the T-Rex was not a hunter, but rather a carion eater (like a giant wingless vulture). So, bringing them back would give us an opportunity to study them more to better understand what these creatures were like. Simply bringing an extinct creature back (dinosaur, carrier pigeon, dodo or whatever) may be a great achievement in its own right. Dinosaurs may have genes that could prove usefull in treating diseases. Depending on the type of dino, they might also be a viable food source - for example, suppose a 2,000 lb herbavore dino consumes some easy to grow plants that could make it less costly to raise than an 800 lb cow - might be a means to produce more food for less. Their skin might be a cheaper and sturdier alternative to alligator and snake for belts & such. Some dino's might make good pest control (catch mice and other small critters) or they might be trainable as pets (smaller ones most likely - no velociraptors). They might also make more challenging hunting game. Many dinos would be disastrous to their local eco systems as they would instantly become a dominant predator with little or no competition, which makes dino restoration something that would require a very controlled and well studied process to avoid major disaster. It may prove to be a case where some dinosaurs are ok to revive and re-introduce while others would be strictly limited to scientific caged study (possibly only growing tissue samples only), or avoided entirely.

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we get to see a part of history and study it.

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Q: How come scientists are trying to bring back dinosaurs?
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Both A and B, which is scientists and geoligists.

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Can scientists bring back dinosaurs?

No. However scientists have discovered that birds are in fact the descendants of dinosaurs (they did not all die out and their descendants evolved into birds). Thus there are in fact dinosaurs living in the wold today, just not big scary ones with sharp teeth!

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Prehistoric Park is a fictional TV series. Unfortunately, there are no time machines and dinosaurs have not been brought back from extinction.

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Currently, it is not possible to bring dinosaurs back to life because all dinosaurs went extinct millions of years ago. However, scientists are working on genetic engineering and cloning technology that might one day allow us to create animals with dinosaur-like traits.

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No, scientists have not found a way to bring back the dead. While there are ongoing research efforts in areas such as cryonics and regenerative medicine, there is currently no scientific evidence or technology that can reverse death.