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Between 40 and 50 feet long and about 20 feet tall.

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Q: How big would a fully grown spinosaurus have been?
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Can spinosaurus chase prey?

Yes, the spinosaurus can chase prey because if it did not it would have died before reaching adulthood and would be unable to reproduce.

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pikes have been known to eat fully grown ducks

How does a spinosaurus defend?

Because Spinosaurus was 49 feet long and weighed at least 4.4 to 10 tons, the size of an adult was its first line of defense. As for young Spinosaurus, their best defense probably would have been to flee. If an adult were attacked, it would have used its teeth and jaws and possibly its arms to fight back.

How does a Spinosaurus protect itself?

Because Spinosaurus was 49 feet long and weighed at least 4.4 to 10 tons, the size of an adult was its first line of defense. As for young Spinosaurus, their best defense probably would have been to flee. If an adult were attacked, it would either run or it would have used its teeth and jaws and possibly its arms to fight back.

How did the spinosaurus protect itself from its enemy?

Because Spinosaurus was 49 feet long and weighed at least 4.4 to 10 tons, the size of an adult was its first line of defense. As for young Spinosaurus, their best defense probably would have been to flee. If an adult were attacked, it would either run or it would have used its teeth and jaws and possibly its arms to fight back.

Did dinosaurus lay egg like spinosaurus?

Most of the major dinosaur groups are known to have been oviparous similar to modern birds and therefore would have laid eggs. The Therapods as a group laid eggs and brooded over their nests. Spinosaurus being a Therapod was probably no different. However, the discovered remains of Spinosaurus is scarce, and no eggs have been found confirmed to be from this species.

Who is larger megalodon or spinosaurus?

Spinosaurus is estimated to have been 49 feet long and weigh 4.4 to 10 tons or more. Megalodon was at least 50 feet long and thus would have weighed over 53 tons. Thus, Megalodon was much heavier than Spinosaurus but was only slightly longer.

What is the life cycle of a spinosaurus?

No Spinosaurus eggs or nests have ever been found. However, it is safe to say that Spinosaurus, like all other dinosaurs, would have hatched from a hard shelled egg, like a bird. Whether their parents took care of them or they were immediately independent is unknown.

Were would spinosaurus live?

Spinosaurus fossils date to between 112 and 97 million years ago, and have been found in Morocco and Egypt. This suggests that they lived in the tropical coastal plains of North Africa. Their habitat would have been mangrove swamps, and native plants would have included conifers, cycads, ferns, horsetails, and a few early angiosperms (flowering plants).

How does the spinosaurus raise its babies?

No nests or eggs of Spinosaurus have ever been found. Thus, it is impossible for us to know whether Spinosaurus even took care of its young at all. If they did, we definitely don't know how they took care of their young.

Can Spinosaurus aegyptiacus defeat carchondontesaurus?

yes it can because discovery channel made a "movie'' on what was the strongest beast and they said it could have been spinosaurus because of its size and because of the amount of enemies it had which included carchondontesaurus which is smaller than the spinosaurus.

Is a spinosaurus a herbivore?

Spinosaurus was carnivorous, and had a diet based mostly on fish, using its long, crocodile-like jaws to scoop fish out of the waters easily. However, such a large dinosaur could not survive simply on fish, (although there were some that grew up to six feet long at that time) and most likely fed on other dinosaurs. In addition, this dinosaur's spine may have been fragile, and it would have been careful when hunting other carnivores; if it ever did so.In summation, Spinosaurus was not a herbivore.