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T-rexes had eyes on sides of their heads so they could notice if someone is sneaking up on them, and to be able to protect their waluable sides.

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Q: Do t-rexs have eyes on top of their head or on the front of their head?
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How many eyes does a scorpion have?

Scorpions have two eyes on the top of there head and usually two to five pairs of eyes along the front corners of there head.

Animals with eyes on top of head?

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Where are the eyes located on a beetle?

The head is the location of a beetle's eyes.Specifically, a beetle's body is divided into three main parts. The first or front segment is the head, which is followed by the thorax and then the abdomen. Compound eyes tend to be located on either side of the front part of the head whereas any simple eyes (ocelli) will be found a bit back from the front and on the top.

Where are owls eyes located?

Their ears are holes on the sides of their head. Many owl species also have ear tufts on top of their head, but these are not their actual ears.

How do eyes on top of head help deers to live?

Deer only have 2 eyes, and if you are reffering to the postioning of the eyes, deer are able to see anything behind, to the sides, and in front of them, allowing them to see predators.

What advantage does the frog have its eyes on top of his head?

The frog likes to be in water and eyes on the top of the head help to see what is coming. Crocodiles also have them there.

Where are the eyes located and why do you need them?

Your eyes are in the front of your head, right under the forehead, one on each side of the top of your nose. To understand why you need them, try the following: enter your kitchen, close your eyes, and try to cook something.

What is the top of a bunnies head called?

The top of a bunnies head is called a crown. It comes beetween their eyes and above their nose.

Why do animals have eyes on front of there head?

There is merit to be able to see what's happening in front of you and where you're going, so it isn't a stretch to think that eyes located in better positions were selected for. Not all animals have eyes in front of their heads, however, some animals that live under water and who look out every now and then with minimal likelihood of being seen themselves have eyes on top of their heads, such as frogs and crocodiles.

Why does the frog's eyes is locatedon top of the head?

Most frogs live in the water, because the eyes are on top of their head they can see above the water while the rest of their body is hidden under water.

Your hair grows on top of your head but not back or sides or front why?

it does grow on the sides and back of your head it is just underneath the hair from the top of your head :)

How many eyes do killer bees have?

Killer bees, also known as Africanized honey bees, have five eyes. They have three small simple eyes on top of their head and two large compound eyes on the sides.