no as they only live for a year because they are annuals. but they should self seed and new ones will come up and flower
Plants that flower every second year are called biannuals.
for 1day a year
the 2nd week of April every year
Digitalis or foxglove is a biennial (it grows one year and flowers the next then dies)
Plants which flower every year for two years are called biennials.
No, annuals are a one year flower. Perennial is the word you are looking for. Look for this word when you are buying plants or seeds. They will come back year after year.
All I really know is that dragons are good fortune because they symbolise the new year for the Chinese. It is also a year, "Year of the Dragon" (correct me if I am wrong)
Imagine Dragons started in the year 2008, in Las Vegas, Nevada.
what time of the year does a broom flower bloom
which year announced indian national flower
Komodo dragons live on tropical islands where there is no autumn. It is warm all year round.
if you have membership you can get crazy daisy and snap apple. its only 50$ for a year, 6$ for a month.