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no, they are considered to be an actual type of reptile.

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Dinosaurs were reptiles.

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Q: Do scientists think dinosaurs are amphibians or reptiles?
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Are dinosaurs closer to amphibians than to reptiles?

They are generally considered reptiles, though some think they should have their own class.

What animals do most scientist think reptiles evolved?

Most scientists believe that reptiles evolved from amphibians, specifically from ancient creatures known as early reptiliomorphs. These early tetrapods adapted to a more terrestrial lifestyle, eventually giving rise to reptiles.

What dinosaur is a reptile?

Yes, Dinosaurs were reptiles. Did you know Dinosaurs closest living relatives may be birds?EDIT: Birds ARE dinosaurs and therefore Birds are also reptiles!When most people think of reptiles they think of cold blooded, scaly, sprawling lizards and crocodiles. Birds on the other hand are the only type of warm blooded, fuzzy reptiles alive today.Crocodilians are dinosaurs and birds closest living relatives.

Do scientist think dinosaurs are related with amphibians?


Animals that evolved from a species of amphibians?

I think you are looking for reptiles.

Do insects amphibians and reptiles sweat?

i don't think they do but they could

Why do we think birds Evolved from crocodiles and alligators?

They didn't but they do share a common ancestor. Looking at fossils, scientists have determined that bird evolved from small carnivorous dinosaurs. Both dinosaurs and crocodiles stem from a group of reptiles called archosaurs.

Are snakes salamanders lizard and turtles reptiles?

All of those are reptiles, apart from salamanders, which are amphibians.

How reptiles and amnphibians are alike?

While people think that reptiles and amphibians are very similar, they are not. They did evolve from the first vertebrate, but that is their closest relation. Amphibians' origin started with the first vertebrate to step on land from the water. Reptiles, on the other hand, evolved much later, and frogs and dinosaurs were around at the same time, if that gives you an idea of how far back it was. But many differences are obvious- skin, eggs, mating habits, and anatomy.

Which reptiles ruled the world for more then 160 million years?

dinosaurs, i think

Are pterodactyls dinosaurs?

Pterodactyls were not dinosaurs. They were flying reptiles.

Are there are Dinosaurs barried in the ocean?

Well, there are probably bones of marine reptiles such as plesiosaurs, mosasaurs, pliosaurs, and ichthyosaurs buried under the ocean, but not dinosaurs. Marine reptiles are not dinosaurs, as many people think. And neither are the flying reptiles called pterosaurs. Dinosaurs only lived on land. However, it would be very hard to dive under the ocean to dig for them. So how do we find fossils of marine reptiles? The answer to that question remained a mystery to scientists, until they figured out that the world hasn't always looked the same as it does now. Sea levels rise and fall over millions of years, flooding areas of land. Marine reptiles lived in them. And when the seas retreated, we could find their fossils