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Yes, Spiosaurus had 1 natural enemy. It's name was Carcharodontosaurus. Note that note many bones of Carcharodontosaurus have been found. But from estimates it was close to the size of T-rex. It's skull has been found; and it was about 5 feet long! So when you compare this to a smaller scale preadator like Spinosaurus{12-14 feet tall, 39-40 feet long} Spinosaurus has a very small chance at living.

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Spinosaurus lived alongside Carcharodontosaurus, Bahariasaurus, and Stomatosuchus. Carcharodontosaurus was a powerfully built theropod, or bipedal meat eating dinosaur, and they grew to be 43 feet long with a weight of between 6 and 15 metric tons. Bahariasaurus was also a huge theropod, possibly a ceratosaur, and its size rivaled that of Tyrannosaurus rex and Carcharodontosaurus. Stomatosuchus was a 33 foot long crocodile. In modern times, large carnivores generally don't get along with other large carnivores very well, so it stands to reason that Carcharodontosaurus, Bahariasaurus, and Stomatosuchus were the enemies of Spinosaurus, and even other Spinosaurus may have been enemies.

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Who would win spinosaurus or mapusaurus?

mapusarus would win in a fight because spinosaurus only ate fish so its teeth were small and brittle plus it was only 18 to 20 feet tall so spinosaurus would not win under any cercomstanses

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What was the biggest carnivorous dinosaur?

it can be spinosaurus giganotosauru or carcharodonthosaurus

Do spinosaurus canibalized their own kind?

There is no evidence of cannibalism in Spinosaurus. However, many reptiles are cannibalistic on occasion, and there is a chance that Spinosaurus was, too. If it were, however, the only cases of cannibalism would be when large Spinosaurus killed and ate the young offspring of other Spinosaurus.

What did the spinosaurus change into today?

Spinosaurus, a large theropod, didn't evolve into any new species, and they have no living descendants. Their closest living relatives are the birds, which evolved from small, feathered theropod dinosaurs.

What is the spinosaurus predator?

Spinosaurus aegyptiacus is the largest known land predator. It was a member of the theropod dinosaur family. It lived in what is now the Sahara desert 100 million years ago. Being so large Spinosaurus wouldn't have had any natural predators. On occasion if Spinosaurus was weak and couldn't find any food it could be attacked by a large pack of Rugops which could bring it down. The sail on Spinosaurus' back was its vulnerability. If a Rugops pack managed to make Spinosaurus to fall over and land on its back it would snap its vertebrate and therefor its spinal cord. Hope that this is satisfactory.

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