Yes. They were created when other animals which lived on land were created. They weren't violent meat-eaters at first, and footprints of man have been found in the same rock layer as that of dinosaurs.
A cursory survey of sacred books of major faiths does not seem to reveal any specific explanation(s) from a supreme being on any motive for, or the purpose of, dinosaurs. Consequently, in the apparent absence of any direct testimony, the following views have been contributed by WikiAnswers editors:-
God is a figment of the human imagination, all previous "Gods" are now considered Myth.
Mythological beings don't create or destroy anything.
Dinosaurs Evolved on earth like every other form of life.
Another answer
Because (s)he wanted to.
Yet another answer
This question assumes that God did create the dinosaurs. The existence of God or the question of whether God did create dinosaurs is also a matter of debate.
It depends on your personal beliefs.
In the eyes of science - no.
Science has proved that the first living thing on Earth was bacteria.
Earth was covered in volcanoes billions of years ago. All the steam from the volcanoes eventually formed our atmosphere and the oceans. The water allowed bacteria to grow.
Over millions of years, the bacteria formed into jellyfish-like creatures. These jellyfish-like creatures, again over millions of years, evolved into fish.
After even more millions of years, the fish grew legs and began to walk on land, like crocodiles.
And EVEN MORE millions of years later, these land-dwelling fish evolved into small reptiles. Which after MORE millions of years, evolved into dinosaurs.
So, your answer is no.
There have not been any dinosaurs for 64 million years. There were no beings remotely like people more than 5 million years ago. You do the math. The last dinosaur died 59 million years before the first people came along.
And if you choose to take The Bible literally, since people (Adam) were the last things God created, everything else (including dinosaurs) was created first.
because god didn't create the dinosaurs
Nobody knows because when you read the bible it starts with the earth and then people.
* God did not really create people. So, he did not create people who do not believe in him. If there is an all-powerful God, why would he need, above all else, that people believe in him? * God created people with a free will. They can then choose whether to believe or not.
That you will have to one day ask God about...No one on earth will ever know.
i believe that God made the dinosaurs.
God created the dinosaurs
god is the first person
Yes god did create the sun on the first day. NO! He created the sun AND the moon on the 4th day!!!
in the Christian faith, the first man was created from the dust and god's breath.
God did not purposefully create people who would not believe in Him. He created people, and let them use their judgment to see if they will belive in Him. The reason God gave them the option to believe or not believe in Him in the first place was because He did not want people in His Kingdom that would not choose to believe in Him. He gave people the choice to believe in Him or not, and the entire reasoning is because He did not want non-believers in His Kingdom (Heaven).