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Some undoubtedly did, but most did not just as some animals today live near volcanoes. Although at some points during the time of the dinosaurs volcanic activity was much higher than it is now, many parts of the world were volcano free.

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yes they did. that's where most food was located. mostly for the plant eaters

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Q: Did dinosaurs live in Utah
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What are some facts about Utah?

You live in Utah ;) no Do u live in Utah :(

What about if i live in Utah?

If you live in Utah, you are awesome . . .

What is Utah's dinosaur?

There is no state dinosaur for Utah. The state fossil is Allosaurus. This is strange, though, because there are at least two dinosaurs named after Utah. They are Utahraptor and Utahceratops.

Did any dinosaurs live in water?

Yes, dinosaurs did live in the water.

Where do the Utes live?

the Utes live in Colorado. They also live in Utah, and when settlers kicked them out, they named it Utah after the Utes

What flat swampland the remains of many types of dinosaurs were found in this mountainous rea in the northeastern Utah?

The dinosaurs that were found there were allosaurus, ceratosaurus, stegasaurus, and Camarasaurus

Was there ducks living with the dinosaurs?

No. The dinosaurs evolved into ducks after. Ducks ARE dinosaurs, but they didn't live WITH them.

How long did dinosaurs live and what did they look live?

Dinosaurs lived 65 million years ago.

Did bunnies live during the time that dinosaurs existed?

No, Bunnies did not live during the time of the dinosaurs

Did dinosaurs ever live on long island sound?

no dinosaurs did not live on long island sound

Did dinosaurs live in the rainforest?

Rainforest as we know it today did not exist until after the extinction of dinosaurs. Thus, non-avian dinosaurs did not live in the rainforest, but birds, which are a subgroup of dinosaurs, flourish in rainforests today.