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No. The "Age of the Dinosaurs" lasted for about 150 million years. In that long period of time, many different types of dinosaurs arose, flourished, and then went extinct. When a group of dinosaurs went extinct they would just be replaced with another group.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Dinosaurs died out 64 million years ago (63.7mya) humans started to evolve 4 million years ago and modern humans some 40,000 years ago -so you have 64 million years between them/us

unless you count birds, then yes.

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14y ago

They did not die on the same day. They died out over thousands of years. In the geological sense, a thousand years is a blink of an eye. That is why people generally say they died at the same time.

There was a combination of things that caused their extinction.

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13y ago

Humans and Dinosaurs have never been connected. Dinosaurs went extinct late Triassic, and we came in late Cenozoic.

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15y ago

No. There are different periods in which some dinosaurs lived while others didn't.

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12y ago

no they did not

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Q: Did Dinosaurs live at the same time as people?
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