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Spinosaurus was a land dinosaur that scientists think could swim. It lived in what is now North Africa.

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Q: Could any of the land dinosaurs swim?
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What dinosuars can swim?

It is possible that many dinosaurs were able to swim. I´m sure the hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs) were capable of doing just that. However there weren't any that were built like seals or dolphins. Animals such as the icthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and pliosaurs were all reptiles and not dinosaurs. Like most large land animals today, most dinosaurs could probably swim, if only marginally. No known dinosaur has been found that actually lives in the water, though some evidently ate fish and lived near water.

Can any dinosaurs run 100 mph?

Yes. Many dinosaurs could run.

Could dinosaurs swim?

No. Dinosaurs never swam and never flew. Some would enter shallow water to catch prey and possibly bathe, but were not adapted for life in the water. Don't get confused with animals like Plesiosaurs or Mosasuars, both of which are reptiles NOT dinosaurs. These reptiles did live at the same time as dinosaurs (throughout the Cretaceous). Remember: All dinosaurs were reptiles, but not all reptiles were dinosaurs. There were marine reptiles and flying reptiles that lived at the same time as dinosaurs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------That's not exactly right. If the questioner means were there any aquatic dinosaurs, then the answer is correct. However, he's asking if any dinosaurs swam, I think some of the hadrosaurs did - maybe to the extent that modern muskrats do. There's pretty good fossil evidence that indicates some of these animals (Trachodon for e.g.) had webbed feet, which would suggest they weren't afraid to get their feet wet. As noted above, the only truly aquatic reptiles that lived during the age of dinosaurs were plesiosaurs, ichthyosaurs, and mosasaurs. The mosasaurs were just huge Varanid lizards, as the above answer notes. I'm not sure how the plesiosaurs or ichthyosaurs are currently classified, but they're definitely not dinosaurs.

Are there any fire breathing dinosaurs?

No, not that a palaeontologist could prove it.

Why is there such things as dinosaurs?

Chance, basically. It could have turned out any other way, but circumstances happened to coincide in such a manner that dinosaurs resulted.

Did any animal existed before dinosaur?

There was absolutely no life on land before the dinosaurs. Every living creature was in the sea before dinosaurs roamed the Earth.

Could there possibly be any remaining dinosaurs?

No because a giant metorite hit the earth and killed all the dinosaurs

What type of water does mallard ducks swim in?

I believe they could swim in any type of water, please specify.

Were carnotarus dinosaurs scared of water?

It is impossible to know whether Carnotaurs had a fear of water simply by observing their fossilized remains. It is known that some theropods, such as Baryonyx, were able to swim. If Carnotaurs could swim, too, than they probably wouldn't have been afraid of water, however, there is no evidence that they could swim. In any case, Carnotaurs almost certainly visited rivers or watering holes to drink water, so they couldn't have been too scared of water.

How did the dinosaurs dye?

The dinosaurs died millions of years ago before any other humans were alive. There was a large meteorite coming toward their direction and hit the land. Most dinosaurs died but some dinosaurs stayed alive a few days until they died because the meteor killed the plants and it was to hot for the water to stay any longer. Therefore, all the dinosaurs were gone.

What colur was the t - rex?

dinosaurs could be any color red and blue brown and grey any color

What dinosaurs live in ND?

There aren't any dinosaurs alive any more anywhere