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no they are not

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Q: Are organisms a disease on dinosaurs?
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What decomposed dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs were decomposed by the same types of organisms that decompose carcasses today, if they weren't scavenged to the bone by a different hungry dinosaur. Such organisms include insects, worms, and bacteria.

What were the dominant organisms in the mesozoic era?

The dominant organisms in the Mesozoic Era were dinosaurs, which ruled the land, along with marine reptiles and ammonites in the oceans. In the later part of the era, mammals and birds began to diversify and emerge as important groups of organisms.

What are organisms that always cause disease called?

Organisms which are causing disease are called pathogens. Bacteria viruses

What is a condition that allows the body to be attacked by many organisms that cause disease?

aids is a disease caused by many organisms

Define disease causing organisms?

Disease-causing organisms, also known as pathogens, are microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that can invade the body and cause illness. These organisms have the ability to multiply and spread throughout the body, leading to symptoms of disease.

Do narwhals have symbiotic relationships have with other organisms?

they have a symbiotic relationship with dinosaurs and ptaters

Who were the other animals lived when dinosaurs were living?

Micro-organisms, mammals, amphibians, reptiles, and many types of marine organisms including fish.

What is the name of the disease which is caused by organisms?

if the disease is caude by a microorganism, this is called ( infection

What causes a disease but are not considered to be living organisms?

Viruses are not considered living organisms but can cause disease. Prions that cause Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow disease, aka vCJD- variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease when in humans) are not living organisms as they are just misfolded protein particles.