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Dinosaurs evolved into modern birds and some of them are extremely intelligent. The enormous sauropod dinosaurs lasted on the planet for 100 million years, despite their tiny brains. We've had 'intelligence' for just a few million years, so it's too early to say whether it is a better strategy.

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EnTong Beh

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3y ago
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14y ago

We think not because, based on fossil dinosaur skulls we have found, they all had very small brains.

So we think they were quite dumb.

If you did not know, the smartest dinosaur was the trooden, it's brain was half the size as a dog.

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11y ago

Contrary to popular belief there are some Dinosaurs that would be considered really smart by modern standards. Of course the most famous ones are anything belonging to the Velociraptor family. Hoever there is one group that are even smarter than them and they are called Troodons, they are the smartest dinosaur to have ever live, with some Paleontologist even suggesting that they are smarter than a Chimp. But take into note, although the majority of Dinosaurs were dumb by our standards, back in their time they were not only successful but ironically actually one of the smartest animals in the Mesozoic. Even our mammalian ancestors would be considered as dumb as a rat by Dinosaur standards (Barring Sauropods and most herbivores, their even worse off).

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10y ago

The most widely accepted definition of sentience is possessing the cognitive ability to think for oneself autonomously and experience subjectivity.

However, for others, the innate ability to experience pleasure and pain defines sentience. However, this is a very loose definition, given that pleasure and pain are merely one axis of information-encoding phenomena. Therefore, cognitive autonomy and subjectivity is more accurate.

When most people speak of "dinosaurs", they are usually speaking of the birds and lizards that existed prior to the tertiary period. In such a case, we can say that dinosaurs are not sentient. The reptilian brain is not capable of the level of cognitive ability that we common define as "sentient".

Yet, if you are very loosely using the term "dinosaur" to mean anything from before the tertiary period forward, then you can say that, yes, the smaller lifeforms that evolved along the same lines as the hominids (smaller animals that would have been prey to the larger, carnivorous lizards long ago) did end up becoming humans.

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16y ago

they weren't concious..........the only things they thought about was food, water,and shelter........

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11y ago

Dinosaurs had brains and therefore were able to think, presumably in a similar way to animals can think in modern times.

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Q: Are dinosaurs smart
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you just put this on so that you can see if theres any smart person who can answer this question didnt you the answers stones

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