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Q: A type of fossil fuel that is in the form of a soft rock and easily burns?
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What is the type of fossil fuel that is in the form of a soft rock and easily burns?


What type of fossil fuel is in the form of a soft rock and easily burns?


What product is made when a fuel burns in air?

Fossil fuel

Natural gas and how it works?

Fossil fuel and it burns

Is a fossil fuel a Carbon rich substance that burns in air?

Yes, that is true

What is bad about plastic?

it is a good fuel because it burns easily

What gas is always produced when a fossil fuel burns in plenty of air?

carbon dioxide

What is a liquid form of fossil fuel?

GAS I take it this is an American answering. As a British person, OIL is a liquid fossil fuel, COAL is a solid fossil fuel and NATURAL GAS is a gaseous fossil fuel.

Can you name a fuel which burns without giving water vapour?

Hydrogen is a fuel that burns without producing water vapor. When hydrogen burns, it combines with oxygen to produce only heat and water as the byproduct.

What is the liquid form of a fossil fuel?

The liquid form of a fossil fuel is typically known as petroleum, or crude oil. It is a mixture of hydrocarbons that can be refined into various products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

What fossil fuel burns cleanest?

Natural gas is considered the fossil fuel that burns the cleanest. When burned, natural gas emits fewer pollutants and greenhouse gases compared to coal and oil. Despite being cleaner than other fossil fuels, natural gas still contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change.

What instrument would help see a fossil fuel easily?
