They are an example of a trace fossil
A dinosaur footprint.
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Eubrontes is the name of a fossil footprint that is made by a theropod dinosaur. So while it is not a dinosaur itself, it was made by a dinosaur.
A dinosaur footprint is considered a trace fossil because it is evidence of the animal's activity, rather than a physical part of the actual dinosaur's body. Trace fossils provide information about the behavior and movements of ancient organisms.
a dinosaur footprint is a trace fossil
Dinosaur footprints are called trace fossils because they show evidence of animal activity. Worm holes and burrows can also be fossilized, falling into the 'trace fossil' category.
plant and anamels
A footprint left in a river bank is an example of a cast fossil. Over time, the footprint fills in with sediment and hardens, leaving a casting of the footprint.
the shape and size...
No, TRex was Trianosaurus Rex, an extinct (fossil) dinosaur.